No doubt that technology is advancing by leaps and overpowering, and although not understand or even know of its existence, it devours without clemency. Although repeatedly and endlessly we've heard the term e-commerce solutions , e-business services and related services, not just to fully understand its dark nature.
Generally, you get the idea of a person at a computer, visiting sites and making purchases, but this picture is too vague, since electronic commerce covers many techniques, whether in marketing, software, hardware and many other components related, which can make this new technology, one of the most innovative and promising future.
Electronic commerce is the use of computer and telecommunications to channel information flows and business transactions between a company and its customary business partners (customers, suppliers, financiers, transporters, etc.
Electronic commerce has many variants, from the mere presence of a catalog of products to the delivery of goods to the final consumer may or may not interact with inventory and accounting systems, administrative or you have the possibility that the buyer himself customize information received or the product itself.
Thus appear in increasing numbers of ways to perform commercial transactions, and are characterized by their evolution to greater complexity of the models and greater integration of tasks.
The most popular models are the virtual stores (merchant has full control of all operations and catalogs) the mall (shops displayed in a common domain shared infrastructure and costs). However, there are also more complex models, such as those on bids, auctions and collaboration platforms, or those that have provided a customer service program and automatic update of inventory as any new technology, has supporters and detractors, which base their foundations on the advantages or disadvantages that may have this form of trading. Along with the development of electronic commerce, there are new terms, which have been established in the common language of the people.